Be it certain content creators on TikTok or elsewhere, there have herds of people heading to the Jersey Shore to cause selfish and careless havoc and these communities have had enough.

The Seaside Heights governing body with Mayor Tony Vaz have introduced variance ordinances designed to rid the borough of the infamous and undesired reputation of being a party town brought on by people in front of a camera on a certain reality TV show as well as those heading to the Ocean County borough with no regard for tolerable behavior.

There have been similar actions taken in Point Pleasant Beach particularly since droves of people came there in 2020 will ill intent and purely selfish intentions with treating the borough and beach like a dump by urinating in bushes, throwing bottles and garbage wherever they felt like and drinking and smoking marijuana.

It drew the immediate ire and reaction of PPB Mayor Paul Kanitra who posted a video on Facebook the morning after the pop-up party on June 10, 2020, who said, in part:

"Our town was treated like an absolute toilet yesterday. My message to anyone who comes to our town from this day forward is a very simple one: if you do not plan to treat Point Pleasant Beach and its residents respectfully, you will leave with a very expensive ticket as a souvenir. If you drink in public, you will get cited, if you smoke weed in public, you will get cited, if you throw your trash out of your car as you leave, you will be cited. This is and always will be a family oriented town."

In 2021, there was a pop-up party in Long Branch and another one this May and yet another possible for June 19 the day after one is lurking for Point Pleasant Beach.

Since the pop-up parry in Long Branch last year, several Jersey Shore State Lawmakers including Senator Robert Singer have introduced legislation or have called for change to prevent these things from happening and go after the troublemakers and in providing police and law enforcement with what they need to protect our communities amidst these planned massive gatherings.

This week, with the pop-up party invite going viral, Point Pleasant Beach Mayor Paul Kanitra posted another video on Facebook expressing his concern and challenging Governor Phil Murphy, AG Matt Platkin and others to do something to prevent these pop-up parties and help out these Jersey Shore towns such as PPB and Long Branch.

Mayor Kanitra, before this pop-up party went viral, issued another warning to those looking to engage in selfish and unruly behavior while a guest on 'Shore Time with Vin and Dave' recently on 94.3ThePoint and 105.7TheHawk.

Long Branch and Point Pleasant Beach governments and police are on alert ready to react but hoping that the pop-up parties never come to fruition.

Here is more on what's going on in Long Branch and Point Pleasant Beach and other News stories that have occurred or are occurring at the Jersey Shore.

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