Yesterday, on our fourth day here at the Ocean of Love Billboard Radiothon, we made a considerable amount of progress towards our goal of $105,700...but not before being faced with probably the most tribulating experience we've had to date at Billboard Week.

Ocean of Love lost a child yesterday afternoon. Melancholy hung in the air for the better part of the day.

Matthew, only 16, ended his four year struggle at 12:55 p.m. His mother, Erica, came to speak with us. "Give me a sign you've been received by your angels," she told us she uttered to him in his last minutes. Eight minutes after Matthew's passing, a picture fell off of the wall. She took it as a sign he was at peace. Erica spent the better part of the day here with us at the Billboard surrounded by friends as a walking, living, breathing reminder about why we are here raising money for this cause.

The donations came pouring in yesterday in every touching way imaginable.


The most unique? We received two checks each for $105.70 clipped to the collars of Harp and St. Pauli Girl, our new favorite greyhounds.



10-year old Sarah came equipped with a $300 donation compiled from birthday and holiday money. Her brother Evan,16, is an Ocean of Love kid, now in remission for almost three years. He says his little sis looks out for him, and she certainly does - this is her third year donating. At only 10, she's given more than $500 to Ocean Love.


Later on in the evening, competition really kicked up when East Dover Fire Co. Station #28 was the first crew of firefighters to roll in with two trucks and a huge donation. They challenged Silverton Station #29 and soon, SIlverton saw East Dover's two trucks and raised them two. They cast out their cherry picker and placed their donation in style right into Andy's hands atop the Billboard.

The crews went back and forth attempting to out-do the others donation and in the end, along with the Pleasant Plains Fire Co. that accepted the challenge put forth by the others, our local firefighters contributed over $1000 to the cause. Holy smokes!



A big thanks to Outcast Cruiser Car Club, Chubby Penguin Parties face painting, and Elite Photo Booths for helping us get through this very emotional day.

Today is our last day out here it the Billboard and your last chance to help us reach our goal of $105,700. Do it for the Matthew, do it for Erica, do it for the countless families in Ocean County that need your support. Going into this last day with only $35,000 left to go, we're proud of all we've accomplished as a community so far.

Bring Andy down from the Billboard!



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