Today in Toms River, 10-year-old Kaydance Vogel, her 5-year-old twin sisters, Chelsey, and Devyn, and their cousin Ava, set up a lemonade stand in front of their house to sell lemonade and iced-tea for fifty cents a glass, with ALL proceeds going to Ocean of Love.

When I asked Kaydance why she wanted to do this, she said:

"I wanted to help out kids who are just like me but need help". She also said, "If everyone had a lemonade stand for Ocean of Love, could you just imagine how many kids we can help"?

She is 100% correct!!

The Ocean of Love Billboard Radiothon is just about two months away. (70 days to be exact actually) It is happening once again October 23rd-27th where I will be living on a billboard for a week in the Target/Lowes Shopping Center with the goal of raising $105,700 for Ocean of Love.

Top Row L-R: Kaydance, Ava Bottom Row L-R: Chelsea, Andy Chase, Devyn
Top Row L-R: Kaydance, Ava
Bottom Row L-R: Chelsea, Andy Chase, Devyn

They opened the lemonade stand around 11a, this morning, and as of 3p this afternoon, Kaydance sent me this picture.

Amount of money raised (so far) for Ocean of Love as of 3p
Amount of money raised (so far) for Ocean of Love as of 3p

Over $600 dollars!!!! That is absolutely incredible!!!! All from selling lemonade and ice tea, and they just told me that money is still coming in!!! The lemonade and Iced-Tea was THAT good. They plan on doing another one before the end of Summer

Thank you so much girls!!!! It just proves once again what can happen when the community comes together for a common cause.

If a 10-year old girl and her sisters can do something like this, the rest of us have NO excuse!

Ocean of Love is a non-profit, charitable 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to helping Ocean County children with cancer and their families.  Our purpose is to assist the children through their illness.  We provide financial and emotional support so that they can experience the “normal” joys of childhood, knowing their lives are significant and meaningful to each and every one of us.



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