There were rumors about it happening, then it got confirmed and now it is just taking a really long time. I'm talking about a brand new Amazon Fresh coming to Eatontown, New Jersey.
I've been writing and talking about "the secret grocery store" at the Shore for what seems like years. Well, the cat is out of the bag, and this opening is a big one.
There are some neighborhoods in America that do not have a grocery store. Can you imagine? It’s no surprise residents in those comminutes are not eating healthy. The town in which I grew up had 2 grocery stores, Food Town and Shop Right. Today, East Windsor NJ only has a Shop Right. There is also a super Walmart down the street but that doesn’t count.
Amazon is planning on opening up an "Amazon Fresh" grocery store right here in New Jersey.
It would only be the fourth Amazon grocery store of its kind, with it also being the first one on the east coast with the other two being in California...