Orionid Meteor Shower Happening in October Over Jersey Skies
It's hard to believe that it is already October!! This year has absolutely flown by and it's not stopping.
A great way to kick off the month of October is with dazzling meteor showers all month long. Hopefully, we will get some nice clear nights to possibly see it
The Orionid Meteor Shower produces fifteen shooting stars per hour whereas some years as many as seventy have been recorded in a single hour.
The Meteor Shower occurs October 2nd through October 7th, but according to Travel and Leisure:
In 2020, the peak will occur after midnight on Oct. 21, though you’ll still see plenty of meteors the evening before and after. And this year, viewers are in luck — the moon will be in its waxing crescent phase during the peak, which means moonlight won’t drown out the meteors. On top of that, the moon will actually set in the evening, so the skies will be as dark as possible for ideal viewing.
Maybe this will FINALLY be my year to see a meteor shower. Every time we have a meteor shower, I go outside in my backyard. I turn off the outside light, and grab a chair and i look to the skies. Every single time....Nothing! Maybe this shower, it will be my year.
I have seen shooting stars from time to time when I was out west in Colorado, or when I was in upstate New York, but I still have not actually seen an active meteor shower. Maybe this shower, it will be my year.