Open Letter to Mother Nature: We NEED Spring More Than Ever This Year!
Dear Mother Nature,
Hi Mother Nature, hope you are well, I hate to bother you but I had to write and ask you to make sure you can deliver an early and beautiful spring. The last few days have been so nice that we need to see more! It's been a year since the COVID-19 Pandemic began and for so many, it's been a very long year! We need your help more than ever this year.

Mother Nature we need sunshine and fresh air and mild temps....so we can get outside and enjoy. Outdoors is where we can be safe and enjoy the vitamin d and oxygen. We need spring in our life more than ever.
COVID-19 has hurt many and now it's time for us to retake our world and get back to a normal life again. I bet no one will take for granted the beauty of nature and what you provide for us. We need to enjoy a simple life and protect our outdoors. We need to take care of nature and I know Mother Nature you will help take care of us.
We need after dinner walks through the neighborhood, a day at the beach, kids' little league and soccer games, a visit to our local parks, taking the dog for a walk, and a bike ride in the sunshine. This is what we need more than ever this spring.
Mother Nature as we come out of the COVID-19 Pandemic we NEED you more than ever and your beautiful weather will make these tough times fade away....let the sunshine in! I promise to take care of your "nature" and not pollute, recycle when I can, and help beautify my town :)
Shawn Michaels
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