Looking for a fun summer job? The Lakewood BlueClaws are hiring!

Tomorrow (July 7) the BlueClaws will be conducting open interviews for ballpark concessions positions from 9 am until 1 pm at FirstEnergy Park in Lakewood. Available positions include: Concessions Cashiers & Runners, Food Portable Attendants, and Ice Cream Portable Workers. All positions are part-time and pay $8.60 per hour.

If you're hired, you're expected to be available to work the majority of remaining BlueClaws home games this season. The 2018 regular season ends on Labor Day, September 3rd, but the BlueClaws qualified for the post-season, which begins on September 7th.

Employees also receive eight complimentary tickets to games in the 2018 season as well as discounts in the Claws Cove and at the concession stands.

If you have any questions (or are interested but can't attend the job fair) call Kathryn Raso at 732-901-7000 ext 165 or email kraso@blueclaws.com.

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I actually spent two summers working at First Energy Park (first-base concession stand, baby!) and it was a lot of fun.

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