Future Of Seaside Heights Carousel Rests On A Vote
The famous Seaside Heights Carousel took one final ride this past April. It's had a long and winding history, being built in 1910, finding a home on the Seaside boarwalk in 1932, and being the subject of numerous attempts of relocation or renovation or restoration.
The APP has a very in-depth article about the politics surrounding the carousel, but here's the quick and dirty:
In November, voters in Ocean County have the chance to amend the Natural Lands Trust Fund Program, which could allow the Board of Freeholders to use open space tax to buy property for historical preservation.
That extra money would allow Seaside Heights to repair the Carousel and build it a new home.
The carousel is still scheduled to be disassembled in October, and kept in storage. The town hopes to build a new home on Bay Boulevard.
We'll see how the voters respond, and see what the future has in store for this bit of NJ history.
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