We are definitely getting to that time of the year were the food gets a little tastier, heartier, and delicious.

I don't know about you, but when the temperatures drop there's no better way to cook a meal than in a good old-fashioned slow cooker.

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Just set it and forget it, and a few hours later you have a delicious meal ready to go that's perfect for the fall.

One of the best meals you can make in a slow cooker, in my opinion, of course, is chili.

I'm a big fan of making spicy turkey chili this time of year.

Photo by Svitlana on Unsplash
Photo by Svitlana on Unsplash

A pound of ground turkey, black beans, kidney beans, corn, peppers, onions, jalapenos, and all sorts of spices blended together to simmer and stew for half a day.

It's the best.

But, let's say you don't have half a day to dedicate to shopping, prep, and cooking time for my not-so-famous turkey chili, what do you do?

You Go To The Small Pub That Serves Up NJ's Best Chili

Believe it or not, experts have found one place in Jersey that's got better chili than anywhere else in the state.

And this popular hole-in-the-wall looks well worth the visit.

Located in the heart of Atlantic City, just a short walk from the craziness of the casinos and nightlife you'll find a little 24/7 pub and tavern with the best chili in Jersey.

Photo Credit: Google Maps
Photo Credit: Google Maps

According to Only In Your State, it's a place locals and tourists alike go regularly to get a great meal and not pay out the nose like they would on the boardwalk.

Ducktown Tavern, at 2400 Atlantic Avenue serves up one of the best bowls of chili in Jersey and should be on the list of places to visit for chili lovers everywhere.

Collection of the 10 Drunkest Cities in New Jersey

For the complete list of the drunkest cities in New Jersey, visit roadsnacks.net.

Gallery Credit: Chris Coleman

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