It was released November 25th, 1987, I've seen it countless times,  and it can still reduce me to tears of laughter.  It's the movie, "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" with Steve Martin (Neal Page) and John Candy (Del Griffith).  If for some reason you missed this one (how did THAT happen?), the movie follows Neal Page's desperate attempt to return home from a business trip for Thanksgiving, which is doomed from the moment he meets the sweet, but disaster-inspiring, Del Griffith. 

I admit reluctantly that the older I get, the more like Steve Martin's character--impatient, exasperated, cynical--I become.  It's not pretty, but it's true.  I CAN still laugh at Neal's meltdowns and remind myself to try not to become him.  Oh, wait.  It might be too late for that.

I'll leave you with the movie's famous lines in a video I found on Youtube.  If you have travel plans for the holiday, cancel them immediately.  And after that, post your comments on your own favorite holiday (Thanksgiving OR Christmas) movies below...I'd love to hear them!


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