The Vinyl Dinosaur Is Moving And Expanding
I dig record stores. They are, unfortunately, something of a dying breed, but the ones that survive cater to a dedicated group of enthusiasts who still enjoy vinyl. There is something uniquely satisfying about flipping through a row of records, taking in the artwork, checking out the condition of the sleeve, and finding that album you've been searching for.
The Vinyl Dinosaur opened up in Bayville in April of 2019, and they just announced that they will be packing up, and heading to a new location in Beachwood! They will also be expanding beyond just a music store, and will incorporate a cafe, plus more space for art, entertainment, and of course, a bigger selection of music. They also have dreams of bringing in a stage so The Vinyl Dinosaur can be a home to open mic nights, karaoke, comedy nights, and more.
The new location will take over the building that was formerly Java Joe's, on Atlantic City Boulevard in Beachwood.
According to the owner of The Vinyl Dinosaur, they need to do some work on the building because it was built in 1929 - but I seriously hope they keep the outside looking like that, because I love that old-school brick look.
The new spot is only about three miles north of the old location, so if you've visited the Vinyl Dinosaur, you won't have to travel far to get back to filling out your vinyl collection.
Obviously the pandemic slowed things down in pretty much every way, including working through the permits, but The Vinyl Dinosaur aims to be open in its new location on October 1st, 2020! Best of luck!

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