According to one electric company's estimation, Squirrels are responsible for at least 8.5% of power outages each year and another struck again in South Jersey
I am not Johnny nature but I do like animals. I LOVE DOGS and want to pet and love every single dog I see. But I also like chipmunks, squirrels and bunnies. Well, just call me Snow White....that's the going joke
It wasn't the start to the school day Manchester officials were hoping for Thursday morning after a transformer suddenly malfunctioned and caused a power outage at the middle school which delayed bus arrivals.
Most people would be a little concerned if a critter was lingering around somewhere they were getting food, but this North Carolina town seem to doesn't mind!
There's a squirrel in Austin, Texas that may be a little smarter than all of the other squirrels.
Marky Mark, a name given because he was the "Lone Survivor" of a fire, is that smart squirrel.
Having CPR training is one thing, but actually having to put it to use is another.
This guy was put in the position to put his training to good use, but not on a person. Instead, it was a squirrel!