Someone is now attacking Canadian geese in Toms River, police say
It's a similar story but a different town as Toms River Police have begun investigating reports of a family of Canadian Geese being intentionally run over in the township.
This comes just days after a report of Canadian Geese being viciously attacked by a family near a retention pond in Lakewood, according to an eyewitness, earlier this month although no connection is currently suspected.
Toms River Police began working on a case after seeing the report come across about the attacks on geese on Wednesday morning at the Indian Head Shopping Center parking lot on Route 9 North where the Home Depot is located among other stores.
Ocean County Scanner News has released a photo of the Toms River attack that is very graphic and not for the faint of heart.
"We were called to the scene and have spoken to witnesses and shop owners," Toms River Police said. "The investigation is ongoing at this time. We are working in conjunction with the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office and NJ Department of Fish and Wildlife."
Anyone witnesses with information or video footage regarding the incident is asked to contact Toms River Police at 732-349-0150 extension 1368.
It's not known if the attacks in Toms River are related in any way to the attacks in Lakewood.
Canada geese, the most common type found in New Jersey, are protected by state and federal law. The geese, along with their nests and eggs, cannot be handled, relocated or otherwise disturbed without a permit from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This is a developing story, it will be updated as more information becomes available.
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