Funky New Jersey License Plates
Did you ever see a vanity license plate and it wasn't so obvious as to what it meant? Are you like me and want to stop the driver and ask? Or ponder it for the rest of your day? Maybe even ask your friends their thoughts? Ok, so maybe I'm a little different than most, but I'd best a lot of you do the same.
My co-worker and very good friend, Sandi, is from the Bronx...another NJ transplant who moved to the Garden State and fell in love. She still has her very strong Bronx accent. Oddly enough, her husband's name is Peter or Peta as she says it, so if you know Lois from Family Guy, you know exactly what I'm talking about. When we're chatting, which is often, the phrase 'Oh my God' usually comes out of her mouth, but is sounds like 'Oh moy gawwwddd,' which only makes it funnier. So what did she send me? Yup, a NJ license plate OMYGAWD - LOVE IT!!
Maybe one day I'll get one, if I do it would CUL8TR or SUNSHNE - any ideas for me?
Do you have a vanity plate? What is it and what does it mean?
Jenni XOXO