Despite shoaling, NJ’s Manasquan Inlet safe for boats — for now
POINT PLEASANT BEACH — A "dramatic" buildup of sand recently in the Manasquan Inlet prompted an emergency survey by the Army Corps of Engineers last week at the request of U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, but there is no emergency for boaters, at least not yet.
A release from Smith's, R-NJ, 4th, office said he and Point Pleasant Beach Mayor Paul Kanitra met Thursday with the federal officials, who told them the channel was safe for boat traffic both recreational and commercial.
Although Smith said the Army Corps believes "the situation may stabilize on its own in the coming weeks," pointing to wave action from an offshore storm that has already reduced the size of the sandbar against the southern jetty, he requested the engineers come back "every few weeks" and study the area again, to which they agreed.

Both Smith and Kanitra, via his official mayoral Facebook page, said the Army Corps continues to investigate the root cause of the shoaling, specifically the source of the sediment that is deposited.
Locals had described a "mini-beach" becoming visible at low tide along the Point Pleasant Beach jetty, according to Smith.
"More help is needed, but it's a great start," Kanitra wrote on Facebook.
The Asbury Park Press reported the channel has been dredged twice already by the Army Corps this summer.
Smith's office said "a more permanent fix" is the Army Corps' eventual goal.
Patrick Lavery is a reporter and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at patrick.lavery@townsquaremedia.com
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