Have you poured yourself a glass of water from your tap over the past week or so and noticed something smelled and tasted off?

If you have, you're not alone.

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Reports have been coming in throughout Ocean and Monmouth Counties of people claiming that their water had a disturbing and offensive smell, as well as a pretty foul taste.

I will say, in Ocean Gate, my wife and I haven't noticed this but it's still good to be aware of if you start to experience this when you open your faucets.

NJ.com reports that despite the awful smell and funny taste that residents don't need to be alarmed if this starts to happen.

Apparently, it has to do with the higher seasonal Algal count that places near the Jersey Shore experience in the colder months of the year.

glass of tapwater being filled up in a sink
Photo by Swanky Fella on Unsplash

Officials also say that the water is in fact safe to drink despite what your senses may be telling you.

New Jersey American Water says that it's currently working on resolving the issue and is also working to take lengths to make this happen less in the future.

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Despite the fact that the water is safe to drink, if you're like me and are over-cautions you have a few options.

You could try using a filter for your water, which is what my wife and I do and our water has always tasted fine.

You can also stick to bottled water for the time being until the Algal Count is brought down and the drinking water is back to normal.

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Gallery Credit: Buehler

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