Asbury Park Zombie Walk Goes Virtual
I missed last year's Zombie Walk in Asbury Park, because my friends didn't take the event into consideration when they scheduled their wedding (a zombie wedding would have been a great compromise). I was there in 2018, and I was looking forward to being there for 2020.
As the pandemic hit harder and harder, and more and more events got cancelled, I assumed the Zombie Walk would be skipped this year, and about ten days ago they made it official:
I totally understand where the organizers are coming from, because a gathering of thousands of people is way beyond the allowed number. It's disappointing because a whole lot of aspects of this pandemic made it feel like we were living in a sort of post-apocalyptic zombie movie anyway, so seeing the undead shuffle along the boardwalk might have just seemed like the next logical chapter in the Book of 2020.
The Virtual Zombie Walk will take place on Saturday, October 3rd, and they're looking for some artistic help!
TODAY is the deadline (sorry, short notice, I know) to submit your best Zombie Art! You can submit a design that could end up being on the official Zombie Walk poster!
Hopefully by next fall everything will be good to go, and we can be back on the Asbury Park boardwalk for Zombie Walk 2021!