[VIDEO] Black Bear Walking Around Manahawkin This Morning
Just when you think that there is nothing more that 2020 can throw our way...We are mistaken.
In the last six months, we have seen a global pandemic, riots in the streets, murder hornets, and now...A bear!!
That's right. we had a bear walking around Route 72 in Manahawkin, climbing trees, and just going for an early morning stroll near GameStop in the old KMart shopping Center.
You have been hearing on the news lately of more wildlife going into normally populated areas, but because of the pandemic and the stay-at-home mandate, there have been fewer people out and animals are starting to wander into areas that they normally wouldn't with so many people around
Eventually, the bear had enough of us humans and headed back into woods. Police are still monitoring the situation, and keeping their eyes open if the bear returns