Top Food Lies Your Jersey Mom Told You As A Kid
Remember when all you had to do for food was yell, "Hey Ma, when's dinner?" We believed our Jersey Moms when they told us facts about our food but as it turns out, either their moms told them the same lies or they just lied to us to make life eaiser. They probably just wanted us to clean our plates so they could have some "me time". Either way, these are the top food lies our Jersey moms told us (and we believed them!).
I'm a mom and I'm guilty of some of these too. However, some of them came as a total shock. Brace yourselves to learn the cold, hard truth about your parents as they get exposed for their food fibs.
Food Lies Our Jersey Moms Fed Us
Do you feel better knowing the truth or worse wondering if your Mom had a motive? I also remember Mom telling me with sheer confidence that the seeds were the hottest part of the pepper, and to that I say erroneous! The part that holds the seeds known as the pith is the hottest part. The seeds suck off some of that hotness but that is where they get it.
Huh....we are all learning so much today! Here are some outrageously good places to go out to eat and yes, you can swim right afterward, I checked.
20 Restaurants You Want To Eat At This Summer In Monmouth County
More in the mood for breakfast? Nothing beats a great pancake. This is a well-vetted list of the very best pancake houses at the Jersey Shore. By the way, I know this is controversial but I'm a no syrup kind of girl. Does anyone else have an aversion to the smell of maple syrup? Now give me some Nutella to slather all over that pancake and now we're talking.
Best Pancake Houses at the Jersey Shore
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