Stress in the workplace is really getting to New Jersey. The pressure has more than half of all employees in the Garden State desperate to quit their jobs. Here's why.
Cumberland, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, and Morris counties, at the very least, also maintain their own largest employer lists.
But the statewide unemployment rate increased by a tenth of a point over June's revised number to 7.3%, nearly two points higher than the national figure of 5.4%.
The Jersey Shore BlueClaws are going all virtual with their upcoming job fair this month and now is the time to submit your paperwork and apply for a variety of open positions.
Next time you think about taking a long bathroom break at work, be happy you don't work at this place!
This picture was posted on a Reddit thread recently. Apparently, management at this company felt that employees were taking bathroom breaks that lasted too long and wanted to crack down with "smell checks" after long trips to the restroom...