
People Hate the Word “Whatever”
People Hate the Word “Whatever”
People Hate the Word “Whatever”
I think as Americans we have a lot of things we are good at. We are good at eating , we are great at sports, but what we are the best at is complaining. We like to complain so much that we even have a list of words we hate. No matter how many issue we have in our lives we still seem to have too much time.
Clooney Tells Actors To Stop Complaining
Clooney Tells Actors To Stop Complaining
Clooney Tells Actors To Stop Complaining
In this economy a lot of people have the right to complain. Unemployment is high and people are losing their homes. Health insurance continues to increase and without a cost of living raise this adds up to a pay cut for millions of Americans. We are lucky just being in America, living anywhere else would be TERRIBLE.