Beware Of Spotted Lanternfly Eggs In New Jersey This Winter
Well....this is not the news I was hoping for.
After experiencing bitter cold temperatures - so cold that it physically hurt to be outside - we still have to somehow worry about those pesky Spotted Lanternflies.

*Eye roll*.....I know.
Here's why:
By this point in the Winter season, the bitter cold temperatures have killed off a majority of the spotted lanternflies out there.
What we have to worry about are the eggs these lanternflies might have laid before Winter officially hit.
So our goal? To destroy any Spotted Lanternfly eggs now so they don't have a chance to hatch before Spring arrives.
Once these bugs hatch, they can cause some serious damage.
According to NJ.com, "...these insects can damage or kill more than 70 varieties of trees, shrubs and ornamental plants, according to bug experts at Rutgers University. They also prey on red maple trees, black walnut trees, willow trees and grapevines, posing a threat to the wine industry."
New Jersey deserves better than accepting this fate.
So here are the steps you can take to locate and dispose of any Spotted Lanternfly's eggs you find:
New Jersey: Beware Of Spotted Lanternflies Despite Bitter Cold Winter
Ewwwwwwwwww. I have the heeby jeebies big time.
So let's all take a long, hard look at all of the high-risk spots so this disgusting conversation can be done and over with.
Ew. Ew. Ew.
How about we shift gears to animals that you may actually want to own in New Jersey? Please?
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