Seaside Park Town-Wide Garage Sale Happening This Saturday
You know what they say..."One man's trash is another man's treasure"
The possibilities are endless on what "treasures" you might find this Saturday, August 15th for the town-wide garage sale happening from 9 a.m to 4 p.m.
I'm sure there will be a lot of junk that people are getting rid of as well, but you "Garage Sale professionals" know what to look for
There will be over forty homes throughout Seaside Park participating in Saturday's garage sale.
I'm sure you will be able to find pretty much everything and anything that you could think of.
Seaside Park officials will be making sure that all properties participating must adhere to social distancing and social distancing signs will be provided by the town
You can pick up a map from Beach Control Headquarters on the boardwalk between N and O streets; the badge selling kiosk at the police station lawn at 5th Ave; the Code Office; and Borough Hall, or visit to print your own map!