Let me ask you this, have you ever been scammed?

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I like to think I'm pretty quick to identify a scam when I see one.

If I get a text from a random number with a link, pass.

If I get an email saying there's a small fortune waiting me in exchange for my banks routing number to send the money to, pass.

And if I get a phone call from someone claiming to be the IRS, definite pass.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

There was one time where I got sucked into a clean energy scam, where I was told my electric bill would go down while supporting green initiatives, turns out though they increased the rates after a month and my bill rose by about 300 dollars.

Unfortunately, scams and scammers are just a part of life now adays so it's pretty important to identify one when you see one.

Some scams are just annoying, but easy enough to avoid, and those are the phone calls about your cars warranty.

Photo by david latorre romero on Unsplash
Photo by david latorre romero on Unsplash

You know the one.

The random number that calls you, with the automated voice stating 'we've been trying to reach you about your vehicles warranty'.

It's pretty aggravating blocking number after number just to have them call you again.

The other day I got a letter in the mail in regards to my vehicle.

I panicked for a minute; I just finished transferring my license, registration, and plates to New Jersey.

What did I forget to do?

Here's an excerpt from the letter

Credit: Buehler
Credit: Buehler


At first it looks pretty legit until you realize (at least in my case) your car has over 160 thousand miles on it, is ten years old and has never had a warranty to begin with.

So, Is The Vehicle Services Division Letter A Scam?

I did a little digging, and it's kind of a grey area.

Technically, according to mycarmakenoise.com, these letter come from places offering you an extended warranty.

Some of the businesses are legit and others not so much.

The one I got in particular was for an actual company based in Missouri.

However looking through Scampulse.com it appears as though some of these letters can lead to rather nefarious situations.

What frustrates me about this the most though is the wording within the letter, and I think that's how people end up either getting scammed or spending money they didn't need to.

The phrasing sounds so drastic, and devastating if you don't follow through and call in with your information.

It's important to remain diligent when receiving mail from a company you don't recognize.

Before you call offering up personal information take a few moments to do some research, feel it out, and if it feels like scam it very well could be.

Have you gotten, or seen one of the letters in New Jersey before?

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