New Jersey’s Terrifying Drone Mystery Has Finally Been Solved
Have you ever seen or been a part of something that was happening that made you think "This might be the biggest story of my life, this is history in the making!"
It seemed like all that anyone was talking about was this thing that was going on; it was all over online newspapers, social media, and even the radio.

Then, this huge thing was suddenly not talked about anymore, people just decided to move on from it.
That's how I felt about the drone situation in Jersey, it seemed like that's all anyone was talking about for weeks, and then just like that we stopped talking about it.
If you're not familiar, starting in November of 2024, tons of strange drone-like objects were seen hovering over the skies of New Jersey.
This sparked tons of theories as to what these objects were hovering over our night skies; theories from aliens to foreign countries spying on us, to it all being a huge practical joke from local drone enthusiasts.
Well after months of waiting, we finally have our answer.
The US Government Reveals What The Drones In The Skies Of NJ Were
It's almost a bummer of an answer to be honest, but NBC News announced that the FAA actually authorized the drones flying over Jersey.
They were flying these drones for research and other reasons.
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Now this still raises some questions in my head, as I put on my tinfoil hat here.
If the drones were in fact authorized by the FAA, why did it take so long to get a straight answer? Couldn't they have just said from the start they were FAA-sanctioned drones and saved us all the hassle?
Also, what exactly were they observing? I saw a few hovering near my house in Ocean Gate, did they just want to watch me take out the trash and recycle? Because you didn't have to spend all that money to fly a drone over my house to see that, you can just swing by and say hi.
So I guess we can rest easy knowing there were no foreign adversaries or extraterrestrials flying drones over the state. That being said if aliens ever did wind up in Jersey, here are a few spots we'd recommend they check out.
If Aliens Landed In NJ, Here Are 18 Places They NEED To Visit
Gallery Credit: Buehler
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