In the full force of winter, it may be hard to stop and remember that soon we will have long days, sunshine, and warmth at the Jersey Shore.

Right now, all we see is it getting dark at 5, bitter cold temps, and snow and ice everywhere.

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Fortunately for us though the shortest day of the year (12/21) has come and gone this winter and it's time to start thinking about springing forward one hour, getting us closer to long summer days.

When Does Daylight Savings Time Start In 2025?

Despite the fact that most of our clocks are attached to smart devices that update the time automatically, knowing when daylight savings time starts is always important.

Losing that hour of sleep and jumping forward ahead an hour can be devastating if you're not aware of it.

Photo by Mpho Mojapelo on Unsplash
Photo by Mpho Mojapelo on Unsplash

That being said, according to Date and Time, we will lose an hour of sleep on March 9th, 2025 at exactly 2 AM.

At this point though, is it even worth changing the clocks twice a year?

Some States Are Thinking Of Making Daylight Savings Time Permanent

Our neighboring state of Pennsylvania actually had a bill pass to make daylight savings time a permanent fixture back in 2021, although nothing has come of it yet.

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In fact, there are apparently several hundred different bills and types of legislation out there that advocate for the idea of making daylight savings time a permanent fixture, but until those are actually passed we'll be stuck having to remember to change our clocks twice a year.

And there are some real health risks when we lose that hour of sleep!

5 Negative Health Effects Of Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time is March 9th, 2025, and losing that precious hour of sleep can have some serious effects on your health, according to Midwestern Medicine.

Gallery Credit: Buehler

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Gallery Credit: Buehler

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