We're just a week away from Wingstock 2012, so I'm taking a walk down Memory Lane and remembering my five fave Wingstock acts.

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    Surprising proof that replacement singers can sound just as good as the original, Foreigner rocked the stage for Wingstock 2009.

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    .38 Special

    Our SPRINGStock 2011 headliners made the list. Admittedly, I wasn't the biggest .38 Special fan before the show, but they converted me pretty quickly. They may have been one of the tightest bands I've seen, and secured a spot on my list.

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    Pat DiNizio

    Pat may be a lesser-remembered Wingstock performer, because he wasn't a headliner. The Smithereens are a favorite of mine, and definitely an underrated band. DiNizio put on a great show early in the day for Wingstock '09.

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    Cheap Trick

    The first Wingstock in 2006 was an amazing experience, the first big show that we put on here at the Hawk. Cheap Trick headlined and just tore it up, capping off an excellent day.

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    Peter Frampton

    Wingstock 2008 featured my favorite single performance of the entire series. Frampton killed it all night long, playing the classics we know and love while mixing in some sweet covers like "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and "Black Hole Sun".

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