Jersey Shore Trunk-Or-Treat Guide
I'm willing to admit that my opinion of Trunk-Or-Treats has changed since I became a dad. At first I thought it was a lame watered-down version of Halloween, too focused on the "won't someone please think of the children?" type of safety. Now that I'm an over-protective father, I can understand the appeal of not having to walk around a neighborhood and knock on stranger's doors. There's some appeal to just bringing Baby V to a central location, wandering around a parking lot, and going home with a bag full of candy.
Thursday October 24th
- 6pm, Wall Police Headquarters, 2700 Allaire Road, Wall
Friday October 25th
- 6:30-8:30pm, Drum Point Sports Complex, Brick
Saturday October 26th
- 1-3pm, Berkeley Township Elementary School, Berkeley
Saturday October 26th
- 2-5pm, Cornerstone Calvary Chapel, Route 9, Howell
Saturday October 26th
- 6pm, Evolution Martial Arts, Route 37 W, Toms River
Saturday October 26th
- 6-8pm, Surf City Volunteer Fire Company, Long Beach Boulevard, Surf City
If you know of any other Trunk-or-Treats in our area, leave a comment and we'll update the list.
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