You'll rarely find New Jersey at the top of any "best of" list if it's built according to public opinion.

It's a well-known fact accepted by all New Jersey residents: people love to hate on the Garden State. While that statement is incredibly true, the people that actually can speak on what it's like to live life in Jersey will tell you that the stereotypes you commonly hear are just that, stereotypes. Sure, we all have to poke fun at ourselves once in a while, but hearing about how Jersey is full of nothing but rowdy and disrespectful people really does get old after a while.

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If there's anything to be taken from this Youtube video that lists out all 50 states from worst to best, then it's this: New Jersey, congrats. You're doing better than most!

Even the guy narrating the video touches on everyone's love to trash talk the Garden State. How does he prove them wrong? He shuts up all the naysayers by listing out everything that the residents in New Jersey have going for them.

NJ has the 3rd highest wages in the country

Take that, trash-talkers! Sure, everything in New Jersey is expensive, but at least most of us can keep up with the cost of living if we're getting paid a fair wage that's competitive with the region and the job we hold within our specific fields.

NJ has the 4th lowest poverty rate

Echoing the point made above, Jersey life comes with a price tag, but most people within the Garden State are doing alright for themselves.

NJ has the 4th best health care in the country

Yay, NJ! We're able to take care of ourselves!

NJ's Schools are TOP NOTCH

Second best in the entire country, to be exact. Brag on it, Jersey! That's a pretty big deal to most parents, wouldn't you say? Yeah... children's education matters.

NJ = 5th Lowest Crime Rate

This statistic is pretty incredible considering how many people you have packed into such a small state. Of course, there are certain areas within the state that are safer than others, but you'll find that anywhere.

So, the next time someone tries to diss the Garden State in your presence, show them this video:

LOOK: Cities with the most UFO sightings in New Jersey

Stacker compiled a ranking of cities with the most UFO sightings in New Jersey using data from the National UFO Reporting Center.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

NJ Towns Where The Mystery Drones Have Been Spotted

Gallery Credit: Lou Russo

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