I’m Smoke-Free For 7 Years….My Story Might Help You Quit Too!!
If you want to quit and just have not brought yourself to do it yet, or you have tried and have been unsuccessful, please read my story. Today I am smoke-free for seven years!
This might help you. It helped me! Also....at the end of my story, check out how much money I have saved in the last seven years from NOT smoking.First of all, let me start by saying that I used to LOVE smoking cigarettes. Any of my friends or family would agree with that statement. I smoked 2-3 PACKS A DAY! I didn't want to quit. I NEVER tried to quit either. This was first and ONLY time.
Seven years ago, a bunch of my co-workers here at The Hawk were really getting on my case about quitting smoking. I wanted nothing to do with the conversation, but they just continued to hound me. My family would tell me to quit as well, but I would always respond with "Yeah I know". "I should quit "Yada yada yada"
Eventually, I couldn't listen to the nagging anymore. I told the sales team at the Hawk that if they find a quit smoking program or a doctor that wants to advertise on the radio about quitting smoking that I would be their "scapegoat".
To my shock and dismay, a former saleswoman who used to work here named Holly had a doctor lined up immediately. I was like. "You got to be kidding me. I'm not ready to quit". But to stay true to my word. I agreed to go along with it.
That's when Dr. Frank Nasso on Staten Island changed my life.
Dr. Nasso has an office in Staten Island, NY. He has been performing a procedure called AURICULOTHERAPY for years. It's also known as laser acupuncture or getting ZAPPED. It's non-evasive meaning NO needles.
My appointment was set. I went into his office on February 8th in the evening. After an hour or so of listening to a motivational lecture and then getting ZAPPED, I have not touched a cigarette since. SEVEN YEARS LATER!!
You might be saying to yourself. "I'm not driving all the way to Staten Island to quit smoking." Trust me. It's worth it! It's easy. Dr. Nasso makes it easy. Oh yeah....and PAINLESS!
The amount of money I have saved has been incredible. Remember I used to smoke 2-3 packs daily. (you do the math) I could play sports again. Go to the gym and not be winded after just 2 minutes of working out.
Why was it so easy for me? I don't know. Maybe it was because I agreed to go through with it, and didn't want to fail. Maybe it was because I saw loved ones around me suffer from lung Cancer & Emphysema, and I didn't want that to happen to me.
In any event, I QUIT and it was the EASIEST thing I have ever done. If I can quit, then anyone can! I feel great, and I couldn't be any happier!!
If you're looking to quit. Give Dr. Nasso a call, and check out his website at drnasso.com
(718) 966-7100.
4546 Hylan Blvd
Staten Island, NY 10312
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