Help This Proud Papa Out And Make Gabby A Cover Girl!
As a parent, all we want for our children is to do better than us and to be happy with what they do.
Well as a father of two very beautiful girls (yes, dad is a little biased) I can honestly say that both of those hopes are coming to fruition.
Here’s where you can help!
My oldest Gabrielle, Gabby to her friends, has an opportunity to become Inked Magazine's cover girl. But it takes votes. Your votes.
I am asking you to click on the link below, look at the bio and pics of Gabby and then vote. She has made it through 4 elimination rounds.
This next round will be tough, they are taking the top 5 vote-getters in their groups.
Currently Gabby is in 5th place but that can change. So, please take a moment and vote. All you need is a Facebook account.
You can vote once a day. If you allow Inked to send you updates on Gabby’s progress, they will give you 2 votes!
Maybe you can even pass this onto your friends and get them to vote for her too.
Who knows, maybe this proud papa will get to see his daughter on the cover of Inked Magazine!
CLICK HERE to vote now.
Until next time.
Rock on party people!