10 of the Funniest Things People are Saying About New Jersey Right Now
People have some interesting things to say about the Garden State...
New Jersey doesn't always have the best reputation with people who live here and people who aren't from here.
But let's face it, at least we get people talking!
It's funny to see people's crazy, silly, and sometimes true thoughts about New Jersey. And what better place to see what people are thinking than Twitter? There are no rules, people are unfiltered, it's sort of like the wild wild west on that website.
I searched Twitter for the most recent tweets about New Jersey, and they did not disappoint.
And keep in mind, because it is Twitter, there is some NSFW language below.
We've got multiple ways of saying the same thing in the Garden State:
Do they mean it's funnier to watch stupid movies in NJ or stupid movies that takeplace in NJ are funnier? Either way, we'll take the compliment:
This is the only acceptable way to sit in Turnpike traffic:
For safety's sake...I hope this isn't true:
For safety's sake...I hope this isn't true:
Okay, who wants to tell them?Someone told me everyone from NJ is planning to retire to Florida. After hearing that I've crossed Florida off my potential retirement locations list. #Florida#NewJersey#retirementplanning#offthelist
He's not wrong:
Just saying what the entire state is thinking:
We're behind this idea:
Mic. Drop.
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