Toms River is turning to the dogs to solve ongoing Geese fecal problem
Toms River Township officials are turning to the dogs to solve Huddy Park's worst problem which really stinks...literally.
Both residents, visitors and township officials are tired of walking into Toms River's first park and being fearful that goose droppings are stuck to the bottom of their shoes.
Since being redeveloped in 2017, Huddy Park has been home to Shakespeare in the Park, Wedding Photos, Boat Events, concerts, lunch and more but after two years worth of geese in distress calls, coyote howls and gun shots echoing from the loudspeakers above one of the gazebos the council has passed an ordinance to allow 30 pet owners to let their dogs run around the park in hopes of keeping the geese away.
"The grounds develop a scent so that the geese will stay away, so it's worth trying," Mayor Tom Kelaher said.
He says it's a serious problem and they're determined to clear up the issue.
"The average goose is responsible for anywhere from 2-5 pounds
Despite the sound effects of geese in distress, coyotes howling and guns firing off working, the geese wised up.
"It doesn't work as well as it used to, I think the geese are smart enough that after all of those shots going off they realize that nobody got hit," Kelaher said.
Kelaher says they'll also have town officials in the park checking permits so not just anyone can walk their dog without a leash.
"They're (residents) going to be responsible for cleaning up after their dogs," Kelaher said.
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