
New Jersey: Squarest State in the Land?
New Jersey: Squarest State in the Land?
New Jersey: Squarest State in the Land?
Earlier this week, marijuana was officially made legal for funsies in New Jersey. This came as a great surprise to me, as I thought elections were magic and therefore there should be no issue if I were to spark one at the billiard hall or the YMCA or something...
Australian Firefighter Tells The Prime Minister To ‘Go And Get F**ked’
Australian Firefighter Tells The Prime Minister To ‘Go And Get F**ked’
Australian Firefighter Tells The Prime Minister To ‘Go And Get F**ked’
This Australian firefighter has a message for Prime Minister Scott Morrison: "Go and get f**ked!" And can you blame him? During the devastating wildfires that are literally burning the country to a crisp, the PM is jet-setting on vacation in Hawaii, all while denying that climate change has anything to do with the wildfires...

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