
Inspirational New Jersey App Developer Is Fixing Our Finances
Inspirational New Jersey App Developer Is Fixing Our Finances
Inspirational New Jersey App Developer Is Fixing Our Finances
I love to be inspired, especially nowadays. Sometimes I get to meet really cool people who are doing really powerful things. When I learned about Kenneth Ciesla and heard his story, I had to highlight him here! Kenneth is from Jersey, born and raised. We all know that being from here makes us tough by nature, but it still can't prepare you for news like he got back in 2008.
$50,000 Winning Lottery Ticket Sold in Toms River
$50,000 Winning Lottery Ticket Sold in Toms River
$50,000 Winning Lottery Ticket Sold in Toms River
If you purchased a Powerball lottery ticket at the 7-11 in Toms River on Washington Street for the December 14th drawing, I suggest you check your ticket immediately because you might have won some money...A lot of money!! $50,000! The winning numbers were: 3, 6, 12, 32 and 64...