Sparklers Are Now Legal In New Jersey
New Jersey was one of three – THREE – states that don’t allow the public to purchase fireworks of any kind.
In May we told you about a law in the works to allow sparklers (but not full-fledged explode-in-the-air fireworks), and Chris Christie just signed the bill into law.
Again, officials stress that this isn't a gateway bill that will eventually make all fireworks legal.
Eric Turner, who represents the U.S. Fireworks Safety Commission, said allowing sparklers is a safe way for New Jersey residents to celebrate Independence Day in their own backyards.
Turner told NJ legislators
A sparkler burns about the same temperature as a blue-tip kitchen match. If you touch a lit sparkler to your hand, it will burn. But, to the best of our knowledge, there has never been a death in the United States attributed to these products.
We don’t have any intention of coming back in a year or two and saying, ‘OK, now that you’ve got sparklers, we want to go to this bigger stuff.’ “
Illegal use of explosive, aerial fireworks are considered a disorderly persons offense and carry a fine of up to $500.
Be safe this weekend, don't end up like Jason Pierre-Paul!
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