Growing up my parents had my brothers and me involved in so many groups and activities.

Lucky for us, Toms River has a lot to offer.

We took ice skating lessons at Winding River, swimming lessons at the township pool, participated in various sports that the town ran in the summer, we were in Girl Scouts/Cub(Boy) Scouts, and we volunteered at Cattus Island.

The latter is what I adored the most.

When I was about 8 or 9, I went on a class trip to Cattus Island, as most elementary school kids in the area do.

At this point in my life, I wanted to be a veterinarian and would watch countless hours of Animal Planet, especially The Crocodile Hunter. I loved Steve Irwin and wanted to be just like him.

As we were taking a guided hike at the park the woman who worked there informed me of a way I could work with the animals they had there.

I could be a Junior Naturalist.

From then until I graduated high school I volunteered countless hours at Cattus Island and I loved every second of it.

Does your kid like nature?

Does your kid like animals?

Trust me when I say they will love the Junior Naturalist program!

I learned so much about the local animals and plants we have in Ocean County that I still use today.

No matter how much I loved dance, Girl Scouts, and ice skating, I would still try to miss a day here or there and complain to my parents that I didn’t feel like going.

That never once happened when I was going to volunteer at Cattus Island.

Volunteering there gave me a new appreciation for the beauty of our area. There is no place more beautiful, to me, than Cattus Island.

Cattus Island

The other Ocean County parks have volunteer programs as well, I am just a little biased because I volunteered at Cattus Island.

You can get more volunteer info here and here.

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