Drive-through dinosaur exhibit coming to Waretown, NJ
It’s a summer of dinosaurs! With the newest “Jurassic Park” movie (Dominion) already past $600,000,000 in worldwide box office grosses, the prehistoric beasts are going to be hard to avoid this summer.
Well, for less than the price of an average single movie ticket, you can take your kids on a drive-through dinosaur adventure in Waretown on July 9 & 10. It’s called “Jurassic Wonder” and it features dinosaurs that move and make noises as you drive past them.
It’s billed as part education, part entertainment, aimed at children up to 12. The animatronic dinos are COVID friendly for this drive-thru experience.
The show will be held at Corliss Park Lake and Recreation Area. The event runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Tickets are $12 per carload and can be ordered here.
Some of the walking dinosaurs you’ll meet include Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Iguanodon, Pteranodon, T-Rex, Carnotaurus, and Velociraptor.
The owner of the attraction, Ted Hill, told WTOP radio how the exhibit works:
“Each dinosaur is a metal or stainless steel frame and inside are motors and operational equipment that makes them move,” Hill said. “When someone pulls up to the dinosaurs, there’s an infrared light that triggers the movement of the dinosaurs. It roars, makes sounds, the eyes move, so to a lot of little kids, it’s the real deal.
The drive-through takes about 15 minutes to complete and there is an audio tour you can listen to on your cell phone to help guide you along and provide context for what you’re seeing (and hearing).
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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