When I was a kid I remember Nancy Reagan telling me to “Just Say No” to drugs.  She scared the pants off me. I considered weed just as dangerous as crack cocaine.  In fact, I was nervous to take an aspirin up until a few weeks ago.

I wonder what she would say about weed being legal in New Jersey?  Now that it is legal, it seems you can’t go anywhere without getting a contact buzz.  Where there are groups, you are bound to see and smell it happening.

Since the big Memorial Day weekend is coming up I have questions.

  • Are we allowed to smoke weed on the beach?
  • Can people coming from other states buy weed here and bring it back home?
  • What happens if someone under 21 is caught smoking underage?

Here are the answers:

Photo credit: Unsplash
Photo credit: Unsplash

Can A Benny Buy Weed Here And Take It Back Up North?

No. Visitors who buy in Jersey better smoke it up before going back where they came from.  There's a federal law stating that you can not go onto the interstate with marijuana.  If you buy it in Jersey, it gets smoked in New Jersey.

Can You Smoke Weed On The Beach Now That It Is Legal?

Nope.  People will do it anyway though. The rule is, that recreational weed can only be consumed in a private residency. There will be smoking lounges designated for weed smoking soon (or there may be a few already that I don’t know about) but don’t spark up on the sand unless you want to get busted.

What Happens If Our Teens Under 21 Get Caught Smoking Weed

First offenders: anyone under 21 having or smoking marijuana will not be arrested or even fined (which feels so weird) but they will get a written warning and tell your parents, which in my case would have made jail preferable.

Second offenders:  Those younger than 21 caught a second time smoking marijuana

or possessing marijuana will get another written warning and parental notification.

Third or Subsequent Offense: another warning and parents find out and a local drug treatment center will be alerted to your situation.

All Of The Marijuana Dispensaries In The Garden State [2022]

Recreational marijuana sales begin Thursday, April 21st. Not sure where a Marijuana Dispensary is near you? Here is every single one in the garden state:

Because, munchies.

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