Tractor Trailer Gets Stuck On Atlantic City Boardwalk
Years ago when I was a member of the Hawk Flight Crew, we had a few events at Bally's Bikini Beach Bar in Atlantic City. The location of the bar meant that we had to take our Hawk truck and drive it along the boardwalk. We had to get a bunch of permits to do it, and our Promotions Director was yelling at me to go slower even though my foot was literally not touching the gas, I simply let my foot off the brake and lurched forward. The process was so intense, I have absolutely no idea how someone could have driven a tractor trailer for TWO MILES before he got stuck.
A tractor-trailer driver says his GPS led him to make a wrong turn that ended up with him stuck on the boards.
Ventnor City Police Chief Doug Biagi said an officer reported an 18-wheel tractor trailer near the Washington Avenue section of the boardwalk around 5:30 a.m. Wednesday. The officer first thought the truck may have been part of the dune replenishment project, but he investigated further, asking the driver why he was on the boardwalk.
Biagi said the driver told the officer he got on at Albany Avenue in Atlantic City -- based on his directions from his GPS -- continued to drive up the boardwalk almost three miles to Washington Street, and could not get off. The truck could not turn and damaged nearly 100 feet of railings on the boardwalk.
It took four hours, removing 100 feet of railings, backloading sand, unhitching the trailer, getting the cab off the truck, and calling a towtruck to finally get the boards clear.
Biaga said the driver was not under the influence of alcohol or any drugs, but was issued a couple of summonses, primarily for driving off-road.
City officials and engineers are currently checking to see if the truck caused any structural damage to the boardwalk. Ventnor officials also alerted Atlantic City about the incident to have the stretch the truck traveled checked for damage.
NJ.com has a few more pictures to check out.
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