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Bat-Dad Vine Videos [COMPILATION]
Bat-Dad Vine Videos [COMPILATION]
Bat-Dad Vine Videos [COMPILATION]
This Vine video has been making the rounds on the web lately. Vine is an app that lets users create and post short video clips using their cell phone to share online or with friends. The video speaks for itself, so I present to you..."Bat-Dad"
Epic Beer Prank [VIDEO]
Epic Beer Prank [VIDEO]
Epic Beer Prank [VIDEO]
This could be one of the greatest pranks EVER!! Watch what happens when kegs of beer are hooked up to every faucet in this guys house. Thanks to Justin Louis from our sister station 92.7 WOBM-FM for finding this awesome video
Andy Chase Needs To Get his Tonsils Removed
Andy Chase Needs To Get his Tonsils Removed
Andy Chase Needs To Get his Tonsils Removed
Andy Chase has been sick all week and has been talking on the radio today that he probably has to get his tonsils removed in the very near future. On TV, when a character has to get their tonsils removed, they make it seem like it's a walk in the park. You get them removed and then there's and ENDLESS supply of ice cream to enjoy to make your throat feel better. WRONG!!!!