Popular with locals and vacationers, the Shorebreak Cafe will be opening a second location in Sea Isle City while the original venue is closed for renovations
Located in the heart of Bradley Beach, this bakery has become known for its huge variety of homemade, fresh-baked Italian cookies. It also features a huge selection of biscotti's if you're looking for something sweet to go with your morning cup of coffee.
So I was traveling down Route Nine in Beachwood recently and as I passed this one section of the roadway I said to myself "I Still Can't Believe There is No Bread in Beachwood!".
Crumb cake or coffee cake? Most people I know say "crumb cake", so for this article, I'll write crumb cake. Either way, we all can still celebrate one of the world's tastiest desserts. Highlighting the Jersey Shore's best crumb cake!
Friday morning broadcasts are awesome because I often see a beautiful sunrise, I get to laugh with Lou & Shannon, and our great friend Tom Hayes from New Jersey Natural Gas graces us with his presence. Tom is a great friend and a wonderful representative for NJ Natural Gas. However, it's because of him I will be 700lbs by the end of the summer! He often spoils the 94.3 The Point team with all kinds of food... but I'm not complaining!