For some, April 21 is just another day. But for others, the legal use of recreational marijuana will open up a whole new world of business opportunities. Here are some business ideas:
Ever since New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s signature enabled marijuana legalization into law back on February 22, it’s been reefer madness in the Garden State! Prior to that New Jersians with qualifying medical conditions could obtain a registered medical marijuana card, to legally purchase and use cannabis.
One of the finest annual traditions on the FBHW show is the 4/20 Pothead Forum! If you missed it this morning (for whatever reason) you can listen to it here!
This ant likes to have a good time it seems
Picnics will never be safe from this ant who I'm sure will have a heavy case of the munchies.
Happy Belated 420!!
Today is April 20th! Since you might not have the capacity or focus to sit here and read about the origin of 420, and it doesn't even matter at this point, I just want to know one thing;
What's your favorite food/snack to eat when you have the munchies?