Psycho Sid Returns to the WWE!
Last night I am home watching the Mets get their asses handed to them by the Chicago Cubs.
While I am watching the game, I am on Facebook, and I start seeing posts that Sycho Sid has returned to wrestling. My first thought is "No way", then WHY?
If you're wondering if he looks old, here's a photo from his appearance from last night's appearance on Monday Night Raw
It turns out, they are bringing old wrestlers back in celebration of the 1,000th episode of Monday Night Raw airing in July 2012.
Besides Sycho Sid, The WWE have also brought back Vader, and the Ladies Champion Wendy Richter
I would love to see Doink the Clown, George "The Animal" Steele, Bret Hart, Bob Backlund, Gold Dust, Al Snow, just to name a few.
Who else do you want to see the WWE bring back to celebrate 1,000 episodes of "Raw"?
Comment in the box below
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