There's no better way to spend the weekend than at the Jersey Shore!

When the weekend comes around as soon as I get myself together in the morning, I'm hitting the beach to finally try and finish the book I picked up months ago.

I can't wait.

There is something, however, that I feel needs to be addressed about weekends at the Jersey Shore.

Out of Towners.

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Don't get me wrong, I used to be one, but I've noticed as of late people coming to visit the Jersey Shore might be forgetting some of the unspoken rules of the beach.

I saw a great article on that had a list of 13 ways to make sure no one hates you at the shore.

It's a great list, however, I feel like they forgot one VERY important point.

Now, they cover the absolute musts such as don't feed the seagulls, listening to the lifeguards, and being aware of where you're flinging sand.

Out of everything covered, I feel like one very important thing was missed; sunscreen spray awareness.

The article does mention applying your sunscreen at least 30 minutes prior to hitting the sand and also to reapply.

Photo by Onela Ymeri on Unsplash
Photo by Onela Ymeri on Unsplash

I feel like we need to talk about the folks who use spray sunscreen.

No one wants to be enjoying the sun, reading a book, and then all of a sudden out of nowhere you get a face full of secondhand sunscreen spray!

Personally, I use both traditional lotion as well as the spray.

Over the years though I've developed a system for applying the spray while on a crowded beach.

When I feel the need to reapply using spray sunscreen I stand up, look around three hundred and sixty degrees, and make sure there's no one within a 6-foot radius.

If there is someone within 6 feet, I move to where the people aren't.

If I'm in the clear from there, I'll hold the spray two inches or less from wherever needs it and spray just one spot.

From there, I'll rub the sunscreen to ensure proper coverage.

This way, I don't turn into a lobster and the folks that may be around me aren't getting hit in the face with excess spray sunscreen.

So go out, and enjoy the beaches, but always be sure to be courteous of your spray sunscreen application!

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