NJ Bans ‘Wave Parades’
The NJ State Police released a letter telling people saying that "wave parades" violate Governor Murphy's order that bans gatherings.
The statement says
all in-person ceremonies, including graduations, all parades, including "wave parades" that invite people to gather at a certain location, should be cancelled or postponed.
I'm not here to make any political statements - there have been plenty of things Governor Murphy has done that I agree with, and plenty that I disagree with. But to me, this is just a dumb ruling.
Schools have closed, so kids are missing out on the academic and social aspects. Graduations and proms have been cancelled, so seniors are missing out on those milestone moments. The state just said that schools won't even be able to hold delayed graduation ceremonies. Now, you can't even do a quick tour around the neighborhood to celebrate? What a load of crap.
How it is dangerous to get in your own personal car and just drive by the house of your niece or nephew or grandchild who is graduating? We're allowed to drive up to a restaurant to pick up food, but we can't drive past a house and honk our horns and wave? Come on.
I've followed the rules - I wear a mask, I stay away from people, I've stayed away from the beaches and boardwalks. But if my cousin says she wants to have a 'wave parade' for their kid who was supposed to graduate this June, you better believe I'll be there in my car.
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