Monmouth County now has an official tree!
Monmouth County now has an official tree.
Freeholder Director Tom Arnone said that it'll be the oak tree.
Arnone made the announcement at the 2019 Shade Tree Spring Forum hosted by the Department of Public Works and Engineering’s Division of Shade Tree.
“When one enters Monmouth County, a resident or visitor should recognize that they are here by seeing a certain tree on county roads,” Arnone, liaison to the Department of Public Works and Engineering, said. “We have been working hard to decide what tree best fits our County and we are happy to announce that we will be the ‘County of Oak.’”
He says the diversity of the oak allows it to live in all County regions and based on the different environmental qualities these regions possess, specific types of oak trees will be planted in the appropriate areas based on factors like geology and soils.
A tree analysis and recommendations for County trees was developed by the Division of Shade Tree which discussed tree data from Monmouth County and pinpoints the top 20 identified trees.
Professionals in fields such as ecology, entomology and landscape architecture spoke at the event to inform attendees of what to expect in the warmer months as well as proper care and stewardship of trees in the County and municipalities.
The Division of Shade Tree maintains the trees along 400 miles of county roadways, in Brookdale Community College and in the Park System.
They also manage routine trimming, hazardous tree removals, insect and disease control, tree replacement and capital planting projects and maintain plant material at 43 County facilities as well as the David C. Shaw Arboretum, which is located on 22 acres in Holmdel Park.
“Every project that requires tree replacement will involve a type of oak based on the region,” Arnone said. “The Shade Tree Commission is so vital to the beautification and safety of our roads.”
To learn more information about the County’s Shade Tree Commission call 732-431-7903 or go to
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