Netflix One Step Closer to Opening Huge Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey Production Facility
There's been an update on Netflix's bid to open a studio at Fort Monmouth.
What was the most recent show or movie you watched on Netflix? I'm currently in the middle of season 3 of Bling Empire, but before that I finished the dark and tragic series Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story.
According to Variety, Netflix currently owns studios in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, DC, and Albuquerque in the US, as well as studios abroad in Europe and Canada. But it looks like Fort Monmouth, New Jersey could be the latest studio added to its list.
A while ago, I told you Netflix had an interest in bidding on Fort Monmouth to build the company's second-largest production facility. Since that announcement last year, it's been a huge waiting game while Netflix proposed their bid, and while other proposals from companies wanting to purchase the property were heard.
Per Fort Monmouth, Extell Acquisitions LLC, and, Mega Parcel Development LLC, were the other companies who submitted proposals. The first two are real estate development companies, and the latter is an architectural design firm.
As of today, October 12th, Netflix has submitted the highest bid for the former army base, according to NJ.com. The article mentioned that there's still a way to go before everything is approved, but if it works out, Netflix hopes to bring more jobs to the Garden State.
I say bring on the studios, and bring on the extra work (meaning more jobs and movie extra jobs!) Wouldn't it be cool to do background work on some of your favorite shows?
Hopefully, the deal is finalized soon.