This Creepy New Jersey Location Is One The Most Haunted Places In America
One particular location in New Jersey has been named among the most haunted places in all of America. And it's such a big location, everyone in New Jersey might want to take notice.
The fine folks at Conde Nast Traveler came up with the list of the most haunted places in all of America. There are 32 locations mentioned in the whole country, and yes, New Jersey has a spot on there.
Most of the places on the list are places like cemeteries, courts, and hotels. You would think our Garden State entry would be a place like an old Cape May Hotel or something like that, but that is not the case.
You know us in New Jersey. When we do something, we do something big, and the location that these experts say is the most haunted in New Jersey is the largest haunted location on this list, by far.
As a matter of fact, this New Jersey haunted location is a little bit bigger than a Victorian B&B in Cape May. It covers 1.1 million acres and is part of 7 New Jersey counties. That's a lot of room to haunt.
These experts say the entire Pine Barrens is the most haunted place in New Jersey, and one of the most haunted areas in America.
Most of the creepy stories we have heard about the Pine Barrens revolve around the legend of the Jersey Devil. It is said that the creature has been calling the area home for over two and a half centuries.
That's enough to keep you up at night, and it's also enough to get New Jersey on a list we'd probably rather not be on.
You can read more about the Jersey Devil at the Pinelands Preservation Alliance website.