When you find out where New Jersey ranks for being fashion-obsessed, we're pretty sure it's going to surprise you.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

You wouldn't think New Jersey has a great reputation for having a great deal of fashion sense, at least based on the reputation we seem to have acquired over the years.

But it turns out that not only is New Jersey a fashionable place, but we are the second most fashionable state in the nation, behind just New York.

That's right, according to Forbes, New Jersey is the state with the second highest fashion sense in the entire nation.

Photo by Hannah Morgan on Unsplash
Photo by Hannah Morgan on Unsplash

The analysis used data from Google trends to determine a score for each state's level of being fashion-obsessed, and in what may be a surprising result, New Jersey shined.

It's funny, most people you see on a day-to-day basis in the Garden State look fantastic, and while some are more fashionable than others, there's still an overall good look in our state.

So, why are so many people surprised by results like these? It might have a lot to do with all the New Jersey stereotypes, often from comedians, that we are all too willing to just believe.

Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash
Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash

But with our amazing cities and quaint towns, with our nightlife and our plethora of amazing restaurants, and our proximity to the fashion capital of America, it's no wonder we rank so high.

In short, we look good, New Jersey. We always kind of knew it, but it's nice to hear once in a while.

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